Finding alternative fuel sources

Today the King of Avalon managed to buy a bottle of gas for the stove after running out over the weekend. He was one of the last customers to be so lucky, and this was the last supplier in the whole of East London to still have gas. Stutt has none. Apparently there is a gas shortage and the suppliers don't know when to expect stock. Yesterday I had to be rather resourceful at meal times as both gas and electiricity were low but it also got me thinking about self-sufficiency again.Why not consider a wood stove (Aga) and geaser (Donkie) as a viable solution? Problem is where would one find them and at what price? Why aren't clever young (green) entrepreneurs making new ones? Also started considering the sustainability of our "wood source". Right now it would be the millions of unwanted, invading Black Wattle in the commonage across the road, but just how long would they be considered "invaders" and "unwanted" if they became a major fuel source? Suddenly the fact that they grow so easily, mature so quickly and even add nitrogen to the soil wasn't such a bad thing after all. Who knows in a year or two we might be farming Black Wattle in the paddock totally unaffected by the gas and electricity crisis (how does one spell the plural?) of the world!?

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